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Write Your Soul
hyrdrus Collection

Photo by: _hydrus

Hydrus, is an enigmatic poet shrouded in mystery, who is also a photographer and artist. Within the veiled depths of anonymity, Hydrus pens verses that intricately capture the dance between darkness and the fleeting glimmers of light beyond the shadows. Having authored 10 books, his literary creations have traversed borders, resonating in over 30 countries. His words encompass the vast spectrum of human experience, exploring themes of love, loss, passion, triumph, inspiration, and darkness. Notably, he coined the phrase 'Write your Soul®,’ encapsulating the belief that we all can right ourselves through the power of the written word.

ENDvisible a Poetry Book Collection

In ENDscape, I found myself writing about the experience of being lost, yet always yearning to be found. It reflects the desire to escape the darkness, even when a part of us is drawn to linger in it. Every corner of our minds holds a mirror to life’s most profound struggles.

These poems delve into the weight of feeling trapped, the silent battles fought within the shadows of the soul, and the relentless yearning for an escape that always seems just beyond reach. Whether we confront these struggles head-on, evade them, or carry them silently within us, they are burdens we all bear.

ENDscape seeks to capture the raw bursts of emotion that arise in these moments—haunting thoughts and feelings that emerge from deep within our own minds. It explores the inner turmoil that often intertwines with self-doubt, weaving a tapestry of the human experience.

Collection of Poems
Inspirational Poetry Book Collection
Inspirational Poetry Book Collection

Everyone deserves love, understanding, to be heard, and, above all, hope.


As I began to write this book, penning thoughts and ideas about this very notion, I found myself in a place where the world sometimes appears overwhelmingly dark. I believe our minds and hearts resonate with that darkness too. Surrounded by negativity, often stemming from those around us, we may begin to doubt ourselves and our convictions.

I hope that by reading this book, you can find some direction, motivation, or perhaps even inspiration. A glimmer of light during dark and challenging times. I hope you will recognize that we all possess our own beauty. That each and every one of us has the power to shape our own destinies, rewrite our own stories, and uncover the true beauty that resides within us all. There is so much to explore, see, and experience out there. Our own horizons are limitless and vast.

We all deserve to venture and pursue our own happiness, and it begins with the infinite ways we need to believe in and love ourselves.

Collection of Poems
A Romance Poetry Book Collection

Will he ever be able to recover?
Will he be able to find redemption or have a chance at finding true love again?
Or will life just continue to ruin his hopes of finding true happiness.

Sometimes the universe speaks to us in waves, only to watch us drown in its infinite choir of noise. _hydrus

A Romance Poetry Book Collection
A Romance Poetry Book Collection

What happens when life and love clash?

When desire is blinding and passion betrays?

Who do you become and where does it all END?

Welcome to WeakEND, the first book in the FallEND series.

Where we discover a man’s journey to answer these questions.


“Love gave so it could take” and only his inner demons will keep him from his angels. _hydrus

Collection of Poems
Dark Poetry Collection
Collection of Poems
Dark Poetry Collection

An original collection of poetry, comprised of new works, writings, and photography. It documents the many facets of ones inner journey. It deals with our ever-changing emotions, and how the mind and heart react differently when confronted by lifes cruel ironies.

We all live inside and outside ourselves. The quiet whispers we hear and the ones we ignore. The inner voice that makes us passionate, gives us hope, or creates the monster that sharpens their teeth.

ENDroad details the winding aspects of that search for answers. It shows that we all sometimes feel the same. That we are not alone. The paths we take or the ones that take us to mold our humanity into who we are. Each one presents us with the ability for us to rediscover ourselves again.

At times we might feel lost but the truth to finding our way will always rest in our hearts.

My end does not mean I am finished
It only reveals that I am starting again.


My latest collection of poems is comprised of some of lifes most steamy, sensual, and erotic situations. It tackles feelings of desire and dark passion through the lens of love and lust.


The poems take us through this journey. Letting our minds and hearts wander throughout this lustful escape. Searching and yearning at each and every turn for a new encounter or blushing moment.... maybe a few hot and bothered ones as well.

All the poems in ValENDtine can be found throughout all my prior collections including some from my online postings.

In addition to these poems, I also have written several new ones that are exclusive only to the ValENDtine collection.

I hope you enjoy the poems as much as I enjoyed writing them. May this new collection find a permanent place on your nightstand.

Collection of Poems
Live to Love Book
Beautiful Poetry
Beautiful Poetry

ENDlove ENDpain is my latest collection of poems that deal with the human struggle of being in love. The emotional roller-coaster and the ups and downs that our souls take on this journey. This path is one of endless bliss but sometimes agony.

Love is always a conflict of raw emotion and trust. It is a journey we seek to take and at times we regret we do. It is a struggle between good vs. evil but mostly in ourselves.

An overthinking paradox of what to do, how to be, what was done, and what will never possibly be. Regardless of the experiences, they will always shape who we are. Those feelings will stay with us forever. They are etched as reminders in our very being.

Never to be erased but only to be hidden. They are made up of thoughts and memories that pierce our dreams, fill our fantasies and fill the voids in our hearts. They affect us mentally and sometimes physically.

Lifes etchings, bruises, and scars we all hold as witnesses to this spell we call Love.

Collection of Poems
Poetry Book Collection
Collection of Poems
Poetry Book Collection

𝗘𝗡𝗗𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 is a collection of poems drawn up from experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Not everything in the world is dark, but many times we live without any light. We lose ourselves in what we consider our reality. Our souls forget what is important. At the same time, we rejoice when we regain our passion and our inner light.

We might live many lives, but which one will you always remember?

What memories will we ink?

What will have true meaning?

How will we live our END?


Poetry Book Collection
Poetry Book Collection

HeartEND is about how we experience love and some of the journeys we embark on when love strikes our heart.


It’s about the numerous complex phases and ever changing stages of the purest human emotions. It might be a first kiss, a new romance, a guilty pleasure or a sense of loss but love always helps us reach the heavens or crash down upon its shores.


Love gives even when it takes, it heals and embeds its mark and sculpts us into who we are.


“We all open our hearts and in the end this is the love we bleed.” _hydrus

Collection of Poems
Dark Poetry Book Collection
Dark Poetry Book Collection

DarkEND is a small look into the world I call my reality. Through poems, photography and art, I try to capture the ups and downs of this voyage we call life, and sometimes I refer to it as just existing.


Embedded in my words are stories of emotions and feelings that range from the darkest of moments to times of having some type of hope for resolve. Life is raw and ever-evolving, and we always seem to put ourselves last overall.


Time proves to be quite relentless. I hope that we all find common ground through our everyday struggles and in the end, understand that love, although painful at times, can provide so many answers.

So the question then becomes

“how can we better love ourselves?”

Collection of Poems
 Mystical Journey with 'EndVisible' by Hydrus - A Tarot Poetry Book Like No Other!
 A Mystical Journey with 'AwakEND' by Hydrus - A Tarot Poetry Book Like No Other!
Collection of Poems

Tarots cards, much like poems, have the ability to paint a vivid picture of what once was or what could be.They delve into the subtleties that we all carry within ourselves and the secrets that make us who we are.


Awakend is an immersion into the world of tarot and its mysteries.Read it one way, then another, and let the words guide you into the meaning of each card.


Allow chance and curiosity to accompany you on this incredible journey and let your heart awaken to hope even after having thought everything was lost.


And who knows what secrets you might find out about yourself...

ENDvisible a Poetry Book Collection
A Poetry Collection That Speaks to the Heart!

𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 is a collection of poems about the endless feeling of being invisible while going through the emotions and sometimes cruelties of life. Illustrated by the author’s own photography, this book guides us through grief, loss and love in a dark and inspiring way typical to how Hydrus’s writing helps us cope with reality.

Collection of Poems

© 2024 _hydruspoetry

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